Join us on Wednesday, July 27 from 12 - 1:00 pm ET (9 - 10:00 am PT) to learn how transit-oriented development and other sustainable development practices can aid communities in efforts to overcome scarce resources, a political climate wary of public spending, and other challenges brought about by the economic recession. Presentations will include case study examples from Arlington County, VA's Columbia Pike Initiative and Fairfax County, VA's Transforming Tysons project.
Speakers include:
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This session is presented as part of the Live at the Forum Summer Series: Sustainable Development in the National Capital Region, a three-part webinar series highlighting exciting and innovative projects in the Washington, D.C. metro region. Learn more about other sessions in the series, which address regional coordination and tools for preserving affordability.
Tags: live at the forum
Jennifer, was there a reason behind going with a streetcar along Columbia Pike rather than, say, Bus Rapid Transit?
Absolutely, here is the site for NLIHC State Coalition research:
And there is also this brief from NHC:
Jennifer: In your presentation you mentioned that the Columbia Pike project differs from other projects in Northern Virginia because of the large amount of existing homes in the area (affordable or otherwise). Can you talk about how the difference in site characteristics – specifically, the presence of current residents -- influences the public participation and resident engagement processes?
The Pike area and current study differed from our prior planning processes in the Metro corridors because we are studying areas with existing housing. In the Metro corridors, these areas were originally commercial development and we weren't displacing housing.
The multi-family residential areas along Col Pike are primarily garden apartment housing stock built in the 1940s and 50s. We have mid-rise (about 7-8 stories) constructed in the 1950s - early 70s. Otherwise, very little new (ish) construction occured since then except for one wood frame walk up apartments in the late 1990s.
The resident mix is very diverse. We have over 80 languages spoken this corridor. We have been doing tenant outreach as part of this process however our attendence is still low tryng to reach tenants. Our active stakeholder group is comprised of over 22 different representative groups, which includes neighborhood reps, adivsory commission reps, developers, major property owners, and tenants.
Jennifer, do you think the Pike plan should have considered affordability preservation earlier in the planning process? If so, how would you have incorporated it?
Somewhat relatedly, how have you tried to balance the chicken-egg problem of increased density and commercial development along the corridor? Has transit been able to (and will it continue to) meet the needs of the growing area?
The DC metro area is a bit of an outlier in terms of housing prices, on-going development and other factors. In spite of this, are there some lessons that we can take from these development projects -- increasing development and transit access in practice -- to places where the economy has taken a larger hit?
Financing for multifamily housing seems to be a particular problem currently, and yet is necessary to get the densities to make TOD work. Do you have strategies that could be used in slower markets? What about for attracting commercial development?
In Boston, there is interest in creating a triple-bottom-line fund to attract equity investors to market-rate return, mixed-income, mixed-use TOD projects. Has Tysons Corner done a gap analysis to identify missing elements in the TOD financing landscape. Some areas of our region seem comparable to Tysons.