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Cottages at Mattituck

This workforce housing community provides affordable homeownership opportunities for 22 low- and moderate-income families. The single-family homes were sold for $175,900 to first-time homebuyers earning less than 80 percent of the area median income, and for $218,400 to those earning between 80 and 100 percent of the area median income. Resale prices will be regulated by the Town of Southold to ensure the homes remain affordable at the target income range, and future buyers will come from a waiting list.

The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) provided rebates under its Clean Energy Initiative. The homes tested at 30-40 percent better for energy efficiency than New York State codes require. The owners of these homes will save thousands of dollars in energy costs over the long term.

The new development was a collaborative effort. Suffolk County provided bond funds for land acquisition and federal HOME dollars for purchase price subsidies. The New York State Affordable Housing Corporation offered additional subsidies, and NeighborWorks America provided closing costs assistance. Support from the Town of Southold was critical to the success of this development.