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High Point

The High Point community in West Seattle is the city's largest housing site, and the first large-scale development in the country that features low-impact sustainable design in a dense urban setting. Replacing 716 units of distressed public housing, High Point includes a mix of income levels and housing types, all built to green standards. The pedestrian-friendly community offers substantial park space, and when fully completed will include a shopping center, senior village, and neighborhood center. A new medical/dental clinic and public library were also built in the neighborhood.

High Point's design emphasizes environmental health and sustainability. The community includes a natural drainage system to manage storm water, improve water quality, and protect salmon habitat. Mature trees are being preserved and materials from the site's deconstructed homes are being reused. To protect air quality, 350,000 gallons of alternative bio ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel are being used for infrastructure construction. In addition, High Point includes 35 "breathe-easy" homes designed to reduce the risk of asthma in low-income children, and an environmental outreach program will help to improve resident health.

High Point opened to residents in 2005 and is scheduled for completion by 2010.