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Lillian Place is only the second 100% restricted, large family affordable housing project built in downtown San Diego since 1994.  The project's 74 units serve very low, low and moderate income families. The project promotes a socially balanced community and jobs/housing balance, both of which are major foci of the City’s plan for the downtown area. It has won multiple awards including Housing Project of the Year 2007 from the San Diego Housing Federation. The project respects the historical and cultural values of the site, with a beautiful urban façade that represents a new face to a blighted community in grave need of renaissance.

For the downtown community, moderately-priced units are in nearly as much demand as highly affordable ones and thus this project meets two underserved populations.  All the units are restricted by covenant.  The developers had to assemble four parcels owned by three different parties.  While designing a dense project of 74 units on .83 acres (approximately 89 units/acre), the project had to be creative to allow open spaces and play areas for large families.

The economic stress of commuting is mitigated by several factors.  There is ample and convenient public transportation (trolley and bus lines within 2 blocks).  But taking a step beyond Transit-Oriented Development, the development is not only near transit but is also within easy “walk to work” distance of the San Diego Convention Center and numerous hotel and restaurant employers.  Bicycle and motorcycle parking is provide for those who seek other alternatives to driving.  Finally, the site provides parking at a ratio of 1:1, encouraging residents to walk and use transit.