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Oleson Woods

Located in Tigard, Oregon, a community where the number of renter households living in overcrowded conditions increased by 170 percent between 1990 and 2000, Oleson Woods Apartments provides three- and four-bedroom townhouse-style apartments to families who make less than 46 percent of the area median income. Many green features have been incorporated into the development, including energy-efficient appliances, low-VOC (volatile organic compound) finishes, and extra insulation. In addition to the six buildings, which contain 32 units, the site is home to a restored wetland and has been designated as a sensitive area. Fifty species of plants and animals—some of which are threatened—have been spotted on the site and over 200 trees have been planted there.

A modest share of funding for the project came from the Oregon Housing Trust Fund.  In addition, developers benefited from over $3 million in Low Income Housing Tax Credit equity, a $700,000 commitment of HOME funds from the County, and $273,000 from a community development block grant

Image and case study courtesy of Urban Land Institute Development Case Studies.