regulations and planning strategies: overview
Goal: Make Homes More Resistant to Natural Disasters
Policy: Improve Community Regulations and Planning Strategies

What types of regulations and planning strategies can affect the safety of residents and the resiliency of homes in the face of natural disasters?

State and local regulations can have a great effect on the disaster resistance of homes. Many localities have requirements in the building codes that mandate certain mitigation measures for both new construction and upgrades to existing homes. When well-designed and effectively enforced, these standards can protect at-risk homeowners and lessen damages during disasters. States can also mandate requirements that all localities must adopt in their building codes, so that there is a consistent standard for building codes and residential construction practices across the respective state.

Local land use planning strategies can also contribute to the safety of residents and the vulnerability of homes to natural hazards. Sound planning practices can guide the development of housing so that homes are not built in areas prone to natural hazards, such as flood plains and waterfronts.

How can states and localities improve regulations and planning strategies to make homes less vulnerable to natural disasters?

There are several ways state and local governments can help households in disaster-prone areas better protect their homes. They can promote and / or require "smarter and safer" building, rehabilitation and retrofitting practices; improve and enforce residential building codes; improve land use planning strategies and zoning codes; mobilize efforts to relocate extremely vulnerable homes to safer locations; and combine efforts to promote disaster resistance with those to promote energy efficiency in homes.

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