Goal: Improve Residential Energy Efficiency
Our most promising energy resource lies not in some new fuel or yet-to-be-invented technology, but rather in the potential to reduce demand through improvements in energy efficiency. This toolkit describes policies that can be used to reduce energy consumption in the residential sector, helping to mitigate environmental impacts, reduce utility costs, and improve home comfort. |
Click on the boxes below to learn more about ways to improve home energy efficiency. | This section of HousingPolicy.org was developed with generous support from Wells Fargo |
Overview Start here for an overview of the tools discussed in this section and the accompanying Forum discussion group. | Set standards and offer incentives Adopt policies to spur investment in residential energy efficiency, whether through regulatory mechanisms or incentives programs. | Provide low-cost financing Support energy-efficient upgrades with financing tools designed to help families better afford the costs. |
Build contractor capacity Ensure the quality and availability of energy-efficient retrofits and rehab, and help to create a skilled workforce. | Provide audits to measure and verify performance Identify opportunities for energy-efficient improvements and confirm that the work has been well-executed. | Educate consumers about energy efficiency Build awareness of the value of energy-efficiency and steps that families can take to reduce energy use. |